martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect comes from the psychological area and represents the self-fulfilling prophecy (when you have good expectations about yourself, life will be joyful and when you have bad expectations about yourself, you'll have a bad time).

Not only we affect ourselves but others influence us too, how could it be?, pretty simple, if you go every day to visit a relative and he keeps saying you're a scum, the worst thing ever, the black sheep of the family, you will be affected and have anger problems towards everyone.

Several Cases are presented in the real life and almost all time within yourself in past, present or future situations. A very simple example of every day’s situation would be thinking you'll do badly in your midterms and the semester since the first day at college, as days accumulate and you keep thinking the same way, the day of the results will come and SURPRISE!!!!!!! You failed due to the Pygmalion Effect (yourself in this case).

Another example:
One week ago, a Foreigner CEO acquired a job in Coke Company India, he feels uncomfortable with his job due to cultural differences, family memories and the pressure of the directives.
The only thing he likes is his payment that doubles the past one, but as days goes by this CEO feels, worst and worst affecting his job and finally affecting his entire self.
The directives decided to fire him due to the lack of experience and much worse the lack of interest for improving the company situation.

What Happened? He would ask himself, it's pretty simple his inner self made him failed; he wasn't prepared for the responsibility and the situation.

The Pygmalion Effect surrounds us - Have you seen Anastasia movie from Disney, where the boy makes her to act like a real princess, or have you seen these Mexican Soap Opera's in which one poor guy wants to be millionaire and with several acts, like disguising as a millionaire, talking as a millionaire, borrowing apartments in a friend condos, he fulfills his dream


1.Thinker Picture

2. Pygmalion Effect cycle

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Cultural Differences in Business & Uncertainty Avoidance

After hearing Dr Nick B. presentation about
Cultural Differences, I liked a lot the UAI
Subject (Uncertainty Avoidance Index).
So I will talk about it.

The uncertainty Avoidance Index deals with a
society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.

Uncertainty Avoidance is about tolerating or not
uncertainty and ambiguity. Uncertainty Avoiding
Cultures establish a lot of laws and rules in order
to regulate everything, because they feel that, if
these laws don’t exist there will be chaos,UAI ut
cultures avoid Risk, and they prefer safeness. In
Matters of Religion, they believe there is one
ultimate truth, and that truth is their truth.

On the other side, in the uncertainty accepting
cultures, society accepts easily different
opinions and prefers less laws and rules. They
allow different religious movements and not
normally express emotions in public.

Greece And China

A negotiation between Greece And China would be difficult due to their opposite views, China with a score of 40 and greece with a score of 112 regarding to UAI, show the distance of this nations.

Let's say a Chinese Negotiator travels to Greece in Order to evaluate a travel Agency and decide whether to make business or not.

Chinese individuals tend to be really respectful, prefer fewer rules and want to close their deals fast. They don’t want to become very close with the other part if making business. Chinese prefer not to hand-shake with others and are very respectful; they don’t tend to drink with foreign business partners.

Greek Individuals tend to be very close with everyone, the like to make a background research of people and get to know them before making any deal, so it’s very normal for them to give gifts, be very warm with other and drink when closing business.
After evaluating some cultural issues of both parts its obvious negotiation won’t be easy. As the Chinese wants to rapidly conclude his objectives, the Greek will take his time and have everything really studied before proceeding.

The Greek culture is full of Law and regulations, due to their high UAI behavior; it will be very difficult to make negotiations with a non-partner as they won’t trust him very easily.

A really good Conclusion for this Post, after presenting all the data, would be that culture plays a very important role when making business with others parties, all across the World. Managers, Negotiators and Traveling Civilians should check, customs, religion, culture issues of other nations before travelling for assuring success in your objective. It is very important to be informed and accommodate to situation if problems are not wanted.

1. This is a Slide Show that helped when posting the information: Slideshow
2. Uncertainty Avoidance Data: UAI
1. Law
2. Moises
3. Risk
4. Managers

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